Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Bird Bus

Cedar Waxwing

The Bird Bus arrived this morning around 8 a.m. Its arrival was muffled by the fog settling in, thankfully hiding all of the human-made activity in the neighborhood. For about 45 minutes only a couple panes of glass separated us and the birds.

American Robin

The bus had a diverse load of passengers today. Some stopped by for just a drink of water. Starlings discussed their good luck in finding a fresh suet cake meant for woodpeckers.

European Starlings

Others were there to stare through the glass to see what it is humans eat in the mornings. Cedar Waxwings bought a ticket to the feast offered by the crabapple tree, or to glean the Bradford Pear.
Then, as quietly and quickly as they arrived, they were gone.

House Finch

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