Red-shouldered Hawk
Now that the snow has dwindled to puddles around the yard, and mountains only slightly shorter than Everest in the parking lots, feeder activity has slowed proportionally. The usual suspects coming and going.
During my third cup of coffee this morning I was working on the mental exercise of what happens to the white color of snow when it melts. Certainly a mystery. I must have blinked, because when I looked up, there sat a gorgeous Red-shouldered Hawk. This was the first of his kind I’ve seen at our feeder.
For a fraction of second—that spanned eons—we locked eyes. I’m sure we both had the same thought: So, what happens next today?

Red-shouldered Hawk
Clyde: Great photos. Nice yard bird. Su
and the winning cutline is,"
I am smiling dammit!"
So, you drink coffee with your camera at the ready? When a cooper hawk alighted on our chimney last fall, I ran into the house, grabbed my little digital and got one shot before he lifted off again. Folks at Lake Erie Nature center ID'd it as a cooper. I'd thought it was a paragrine.
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